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Finally got a website of my own!!! It is new though, so you have to excuse the lack of shit on it..... Hope you enjoy what is on here, but if you dont.... oh well!!!!
On this site, you'll find pictures, updates on my newest projects, cd release dates, concert dates, and whatever else i feel like you should know!
11/03 Site was started!!!! Still under construction...
Be on the lookout for "Baton Rouge's Mixed CD" and the long awaited "Third World 2"
Thats me.... the real " Mistress" !!!!!!
See.... i am white

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artists to look for:
South Coast Coalition, T-Bo, Mike Da Hustla, Witness, Lefty, STS Records, Mookie, and be sure to pick up..... "Lil Witness Presents, Humbuckish: The mixtape", "South Coast Coaliton Presents, Third World: The Compilation", "One-I: Unpolished Diamond", "Taylor: My Six Sins", "Lil Witness: Beside Myself"

chillin chillin
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